Our Weekly Schedule of Group Practices
Keep In Touch with PBC Tennessee

Buddha’s Bees Honey now available in store!

Turning the Wisdom Wheel of the Nine Golden Chariots
Opening the Clear Vision of the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika Schools
Opening the Clear Vision of the Mind Only School
Opening the Wisdom Door of the Madhyamaka School
Opening the Wisdom Door of the Rangtong & Shentong Views
Opening the Wisdom Door of the Outer Tantras
Opening the Wisdom Door of the Great Guhyagarbha
Opening the Wisdom Door of Anuyoga
Ceasless Echos of the Great Silence, a commentary on the Heart Sutra Prajnaparamita
Lion’s Gaze: A Commentary on the Tsig Sum Nedek
Door to Inconceivable Wisdom and Compassion
Praise to the Lotus Born: A Verse Garland of Waves of Devotion
The Smile of Sun and Moon: A Commentary on the Praise to the Twenty-One Taras
The Buddhist Path
Tara’s Enlightened Activity
Heart Essence of Chetsun: Voice of the Lion (restricted)
Illuminating the Path: Ngondro Instructions According to the Nyingma School of Vajrayana Buddhism
Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom: The Life and Legacy of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche
The Dark Red Amulet: Oral Instructions on the Practice of Vajrakilaya
Discovering Discovering Infinite Freedom: The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo
The Essential Journey of Life and Death, Volumes 1 and 2
Supreme Wisdom: Commentary on Yeshe Lama (restricted)
The Seven Nails: Final Testament of the Great Dzogchen Master Shri Singha
The Beauty of Awakened Mind: Dzogchen Lineage of Shigpo Dudtsi
Inborn Realization: Commentary on His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche’s Mountain Retreat Instructions
Liberating Duality with Wisdom Display: The Eight Emanations of Guru Padmasambhava
Nature of Mind
Mipham’s Sword of Wisdom: The Nyingma Approach to Valid Cognition
More information about these and other works by the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches can be found online at the PBC Pemai Chiso Dharma Store: www.padmasambhava.org/chiso
Publications by the
Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches

Ter-Kha: a Tibetan Treasure Trove is located in the Yeshe Tsogyal Temple in the Berry Hill community of Nashville.
Yeshe Tsogyal Temple
419 E Iris Drive; Nashville, TN 37204
A Tibetan Treasure Trove
Dharma Bookstore at Yeshe Tsogyal Temple
Ter-Kha, our local Dharma Bookstore, features books and audio publications of our Teachers, Ven. Khenpo Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, the founders of the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center.
All profits from bookstore sales are used for annual purchase of monastic robes for the young monks in the Ven. Khenpo Rinpoches’ monastery and nunnery in Sarnath, India.
We also have a great selection of other Buddhist books, ritual items, prayer flags, singing bowls, incense, mala prayer beads, Tibetan jewelry, meditation and Buddhist CDs, fabrics, statues, thangka paintings, sadhana practice texts, and many wonderful gift items. The Ter-Kha Store is usually opened after most scheduled practices. A staff volunteer is also happy to open the store upon request. Please call (615) 969-1953 If you cannot physically visit Ter-Kha, you may consider ordering from PBC’s Pemai Chiso, the online PBC store based at Padma Samye Ling monastery in New York, which sells most of the same items and more.