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Our Teachers

Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche were both born and raised in the Dhoshul region of Kham in eastern Tibet near the sacred mountain Jowo Zegyal. Their family was steeped in Vajrayana Buddhism for generations, and among their ancestors were many great scholars and practitioners. Their father’s family inherited the responsibility of administering the local monastery, Gochen Monastery, and their grandfather was chant master in charge of ritual ceremonies. The Khenpo Rinpoches have said that as children, should they awaken at anytime during the night, they could always hear their devoted father reciting his prayers or chanting his mantras.

The two scholarly brothers (known affectionately as the Khenpo Rinpoches) made their first trip to America in 1980, and in 1982 moved to New York to work closely with His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche. In 1985, the Khenpos founded Dharma Samudra, a non-profit publishing organization which began by publishing a Tibetan edition of 11 volumes of the hidden treasure teachings revealed by the great terton Tsasum Lingpa in the 17th century. Collectively they are the authors of over 30 learned works: Tibetan language books, poetry, grammar texts, Buddhist philosophy and practice, logic and tantra, and historical perspectives. Many of their books dealing with Tibetan Buddhism are available in English.

In 1989, the Khenpos founded Padmasambhava Buddhist Center (PBC), a non-profit organization to teach the authentic word and practices of Tibetan Nyingma Buddhism and established the first center in New York. PBC now has chapters in over 20 cities in the USA, Russia, Canada, and Puerto Rico, plus monasteries in India and at their main stateside monastery and retreat center in upstate New York. Since that time, the Khenpo Rinpoches have served as the directors and spiritual leaders at the various PBC centers and monasteries. They maintain active travel and teaching schedules that include annual visits to their centers where they give talks, teachings, and individual meditation instruction to their devoted sangha (community) of students. In fact, the Khenpo Rinpoches’ dynamic teachings and skillful insights make the simplest to the most complex teachings of Buddhism applicable to every aspect of our busy Western lives. Their vibrant personalities and humorous wit have delighted students, while their example of devotion to Tibetan Buddhist practice have inspired and attracted a multitude of practitioners.

Having taught worldwide, Venerable Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche are among the most highly qualified teachers and esteemed scholars of Tibetan Buddhism. The Rinpoches are fully versed in the Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Schools, and are considered masters of Dzogchen, the most advanced tradition of meditation practice in Tibetan Buddhism. The Khenpo Rinpoches hold the transmissions of the Nyingma Kama, and Terma Lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. So highly respected are the brothers that they have received many honors, appointments, and recognition from His Holiness Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche and other significant Tibetan leaders, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches have taught the Dharma in the United States for more than thirty years. Their clear and profound teachings include detailed summaries and commentaries on teachings by the Buddha and Guru Padmasambhava, as well as many great lineage masters including Longchenpa, Rongzompa, Tsasum Lingpa, Mipham Rinpoche, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, and many others. Each of their books distills the essential view of the Nyingma school that the Ven. Khenpo Rinpoches received in Tibet as the last generation of lamas to be taught in the traditional monastic setting, which had carefully preserved the lineage teachings for centuries.

Their published works include an extensive series of PSL Shedra Philosophy books that serve as the basis for the present and future study of the Buddhadharma at PBC Centers. It is the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches’ vision that these books will provide a solid framework for traditional Tibetan Buddhist study by people in the English-speaking world whose busy lives do not easily allow for more extended periods of retreat and study.

With these teachings, the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches are trying to preserve and glorify the study curriculum that has enabled the Buddhadharma to be successfully carried from generation to generation for centuries. By developing intelligent, thorough analysis, practitioners establish a reliable foundation for realizing the path of enlightenment.

Publications by The Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches

  • Ceasless Echos of the Great Silence, a commentary on the Heart Sutra Prajnaparamita

  • Lion’s Gaze: A Commentary on the Tsig Sum Nedek

  • Door to Inconceivable Wisdom and Compassion

  • Praise to the Lotus Born: A Verse Garland of Waves of Devotion

  • The Smile of Sun and Moon: A Commentary on the Praise to the Twenty-One Taras

  • The Buddhist Path

  • Tara’s Enlightened Activity

  • Heart Essence of Chetsun: Voice of the Lion (restricted)

  • Illuminating the Path: Ngondro Instructions According to the Nyingma School of Vajrayana Buddhism

  • Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom: The Life and Legacy of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche

  • The Dark Red Amulet: Oral Instructions on the Practice of Vajrakilaya

  • Discovering Discovering Infinite Freedom: The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo

  • The Essential Journey of Life and Death, Volumes 1 and 2

  • Supreme Wisdom: Commentary on Yeshe Lama (restricted)

  • The Seven Nails: Final Testament of the Great Dzogchen Master Shri Singha

  • The Beauty of Awakened Mind: Dzogchen Lineage of Shigpo Dudtsi

  • Inborn Realization: Commentary on His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche’s Mountain Retreat Instructions

  • Liberating Duality with Wisdom Display: The Eight Emanations of Guru Padmasambhava

  • Nature of Mind

  • Mipham’s Sword of Wisdom: The Nyingma Approach to Valid Cognition


PSL Shedra Philosophy Book Series

  • Turning the Wisdom Wheel of the Nine Golden Chariots

  • Opening the Clear Vision of the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika Schools

  • Opening the Clear Vision of the Mind Only School

  • Opening the Wisdom Door of the Madhyamaka School

  • Opening the Wisdom Door of the Rangtong & Shentong Views

  • Opening the Wisdom Door of the Outer Tantras

  • Opening the Wisdom Door of the Great Guhyagarbha

  • Opening the Wisdom Door of Anuyoga


More information about these and other works by the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches can be found online at the PBC Pemai Chiso Dharma Store:

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